Sunday 3 December 2017

Understanding Communication

Do you really know what “Communication” is?

Let’s ask one question to ourselves- “How much importance we give to our communication skill?” This post is not about teaching communication skills. There are multiple blogs and posts on this topic. 

Even before jumping to earlier question, I want to begin with a very fundamental query - “Do we understand philosophy of communication?” 

It’s not really possible to make anyone clearly understand any philosophy; it comes with belief of acceptability with time. I’ll here try to give enough thought provoking statements and examples which will help you to experience or discover the philosophy behind communication.

So let’s begin!

The word “Communication” comes from Latin commūnicāre, meaning "to share". “Sharing” or “Symbiosis” is the foundation on which today’s human civilization is based. In other words, communication can be considered as one of key elements necessary for our survival. But why you should accept this statement? Without accepting the utmost importance of anything, it is impossible to put an effort in learning or accepting it.

Now, what are things we share with each other? There’s no text book or guidelines on what to share but it can be as simple as putting up a smile or eye contact to as complex as clarifying your role in some crime or negotiating your point of view. Emotions, from happiness to sadness, aspirations to frustrations, love to hatred etc. are the inner self that gets exchanged with self and others each moment – consciously and unconsciously. The manner in which we share these emotions become our behavior and creates action with subsequent results. These emotions are then converted in messages through words and non-verbal actions which forms the crux of any communication process.

We’re the only living organisms on this planet, who has received power of language from the creator itself. Words, presented in right format to the right audience, have the power to start and finish wars.

As quoted by legendary Hogwarts Head master, Albus Dumbledore of Harry Potter series – 

“Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of inflicting injury and remedying it.”

That gives some sense to the finding that only 35% of communication is verbal. Words need to be used judiciously to achieve desired outcome. Sharing these emotions through words can be in form of one on one talk to addressing a large crowd or a nation. 

Food for Thought: 
How many times we’ve regretted about not saying those words during heated argument?

As mentioned earlier, since we share emotions, it is well communicated through our body which makes non verbal communication percentage to staggering 65%. You can flip through any high profile training manual; you’ll find tons of exercises on physiological practice – eye movement, facial muscles, and body posture and so on. For example, From its products to packaging, Apple communicates all its emotions of being different, innovative, aspiration non-verbally.   Any more details on non verbal can be referred to another article on Entrenador Consulting's blog.

Finally, comes the environment in which you share your emotions. The surrounding environment gives automatic context to our message. Hence, you need to be in conscious state whenever we communicate. Your emotions change as per environment and alter the message to be conveyed.

To put in nutshell Communication is a process of sharing our inner self with surrounding environment verbally and non-verbally. Philosophies have more depth than any example or fact. 

This is the reason I haven’t shared many examples. You just need to go through this article and get the soul of the message – Understanding communication philosophy.

My next attempt will be to underline the importance of communication post which it’ll become easier to follow any tricks and tips for effective communication. Remember, effective communication is the foundation of successful professional and personal life.

Article presented by our Entrenador Junaid.

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