Saturday 10 April 2021

Importance of Having a Serious Hobby

Last year has been very tough for the world.  Very tough on the lives of people.  Extremely testing times for all kinds of businesses and technologies.  

But we are not here to dwell on all of that.  

We all need a source of venting our feelings, emotions, and stress out.  We all have been discovering that accumulated negativity is no longer the "escape points" or hot "gossip topics" anymore.  Your once person source to go to for venting has now blocked you or mirroring your frustrations and the world seems to be doomed for the time being. 

Through this blog, I would like to introduce you a concept of how developing a serious hobby can get you through any hardship the world or life throws at you!

Let's hear it from other people!

As per Elliot Hauser, CEO of startup Trinket App, "I've come to believe that finding exactly one serious hobby to pursue mastery in, is a powerful tool for balancing your life and becoming more effective." This is a quote from an article that was published in Medium.

A script from Columbia College Calgary's website:  "Hobbies help us grow as a person.  Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us joy and refreshes us. Hobbies help us to manage our leisure and unplanned time more productively. It also affords you the opportunity to learn new skills in your work."

Hear it from Facebook Co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg!  He says "that having a bobby shows a prospective employer that you have passion and drive".

So what is now really happening?  Why this change on take on having an extracurricular activity while you are working or trying to find a job during these times?

A hobby is a calculated distraction that keeps a person engaged in their every day lives and also socialize with the real world.  

A hobby forces you to step out of your comfort zone and start observing things in another perspective, creating a mind shift.  Doing something that you enjoy, gives you pleasure.  The state of mental well being changes as the feeling of satisfaction, confidence and self-esteem is increased.  This radiates in your personality.  The accomplishment of something which is as silly as painting or photography with the right colors or light effects, is unmatchable.  You go out, you start interacting with nature, people, animals.  You find creativity in everything around you.  Something like magic.  You start finding a path towards exploring further and learning along the way.  

Learning.  Degrees and certificates can get you only as far.  But having the learner's mindset sets you off for life. 

Time Management.  By having a working distraction in form of a hobby, one is able to focus better in other aspects of their lives.  

Anger Management.  The feeling of creating or nurturing something new.  Taking care of something as simple as a bonsai, sets off all the happy hormonal changes in the brain section.  This also helps you become more sensitive and aware about your feelings and others around you.  You become calmer inside.  

Like my mentor, Dr. Bhupendra Palan, always says, "A tense mind cannot exist in a calm body".  

When this sense is achieved, miracles happen around you.  Other people channel your energy back at you.  You become more influential and your thinking habits change.  As you are more exposed to the world, resources and environment, the feeling of connectivity forms.  This amazing feeling, in turn, helps you de-stress and leads towards more peaceful and fulfilled waters.  

You will be surprised as what magic is created by having a simple hobby!

Plus you have fun! There are other benefits of having a hobby.  Do discover and let me know here too!

As for me, I will be painting away more rocks, canvases and anything that I can get my hands on! I re-discovered my love of colors and have decided to explore unexplored waters.  And as I can't draw, I have learnt that it is not a mandate to enjoy my new serious hobby!

Would you like to see some of my work?  Do follow my company's facebook page: for more details!

Latest update to Year 2021:  I now teach children of all ages how to paint Rocks and create animals!

 Ladybug and its Flower Garden

And sometimes, great stories can be told using just stones, color paints and brushes!  Another idea for creating a social impact through a serious hobby!  

Turtles in Coral Reefs

Not bad! Don't you think?

- Article has been contributed by our Entrenador Shruti Misra, a Neuro-Leadership & Entrepreneur Coach.  She is also a Mind Coach and international NLP trainer. 
All photos have been self-designed, conceptualized and painted by Coach Shruti Misra Sharma, a hobbyist in the making!


Life Lessons through the Kintsugi - A Japanese Art form

Sometime back, on our company's facebook page, I had posted a link about Kintsugi.  I believe a few of you were wondering what that was ...