Tuesday 8 June 2021

Power of "Together"

 The current structures of today's organizations in the world, revolve around this need for acquiring more financial security and making its human resources a slave.  

When the world is affected by pandemic, its strains and post-pandemic diseases, when the world is trying its best to hold on to that one hope of getting things together, when the time is largely ticking by in no one's favor, what is it do you do?  How do you accomplish keeping yourself, your families and your companies afloat? Frankly speaking, there is really no one to blame and searching for that one is fruitless. 

Sad truth is, things happen.  Pandemics happen.  They have been for so long in one form of another.  Result is always the same:  only the fittest survive.

What do we mean when we say "fittest"?  Does it mean having more money?  Does it mean being more financially stable?  Let me remind you, that no matter how much money you may have or connections, people have still lost their lives.  We can only do our best.

So what do we mean by the "fittest"?  If it's not money, medicines, cures, high connections! 

Fittest means that you do not let go of all things that are good in the world.  The reason of staying human, The reason for helping those even when you have just lost someone.  The reason for coming together, being together and treating everyone as equals.  The survival rates of having optimism and faith increases times fold, as the numbers grow.

The lessons that we have learnt or for some, still to learn:

  • Do not give into fear
  • Have clarity and purpose
  • Make and spend time with family with what ever time we have left with them
  • Block out messages transmitting negativity
  • Block people spreading more negativity and false hopes from your life
  • Keep busy,
  • Block the external noise.  Seek internal peace and solitude.
  • Do things that add more meaning to your life and that of your loved ones.
  • Be grateful for life
  • Go out and breathe fresh air.  Not the contaminated one in the city.  
  • Plan to do more things with family
Raise your vibrations.  I am not saying that you start to chat mantras or get more religious.  Or follow the so called "Gurus" who have suddenly risen from no where.  

But the only thing I have realized during these tough times is the need of having your own support system and being grateful every day to have lived.  

There are so many things that we have taken granted for.  This is the time to take a step back and re-think our strategies.  No job and work in the world is more important than you.  There is nothing in the world that can stop you, if you want to take a pause.  Organizations, employing so many people, will not collapse overnight, if you decide to take a day off tomorrow.

That is not how the world works.  That is not how the organizations work.  And it is not our nature to follow in other people's steps.  Our life is our life.  We make our own decisions and are accountable for our own peace of mind.  

"Time is a cruel thief to rob us of our former selves. We lose as much to life as we do to death." -Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey

We are a human race.  We have survived the test of time for thousands and thousands of years.  We will make it through this together.  

I have held out my hand.   Do you have it in you to hold on to it?

Let's find a way to help ourselves and then uplift others.  Let's un-learn, re-learn and move forward together.  Greed is not the answer.  Humanity is.  Let's start by being kind today.  Let's create the humane ripple effect starting from "me" today.

This article is a special article, written observing the calamity and confusion seen during the Covid - 19 Pandemic.  Article written by Entrenador Shruti Misra Sharma.

Life Lessons through the Kintsugi - A Japanese Art form

Sometime back, on our company's facebook page, I had posted a link about Kintsugi.  I believe a few of you were wondering what that was ...