Tuesday, 12 November 2019

How to come across as a "Down to earth" person in your personal and professional life?

Quite recently, from one of the social forums, someone asked me this question:

How do you manage/down to earth yourself when you are successful in both a relationship and a business?

Very interesting isn't it?  After answering so many questions from people and helping them escalate their careers, very few times do I feel that any question has triggered for me to write a blog on it.

This is one such query which I would like to share with my readers. 

We all come from all walks of life and have our own agenda.  Keeping that in mind, the following are my 10 commandments which I have understood, realized and followed till date:

  1. Be diplomatic and broad minded. Accept things as they are and not form a judgement upon anything too soon.                                                                                                                    Related image
  2. Be humble and open to people. Initially, this may feel like a burden but once you develop the art of connectivity, this experience really pays off!                                                                    Image result for humility
  3. Never lower your standards for anyone. Life is a long journey. Never compromise on your basic principles.                                                                                                                      Related image
  4. Keep experimenting. Explore and develop new flavors / horizons / hobbies / interests / verticals. These will help you keep going in life and also provide you with a direction.                                                    Image result for explore
  5. Handle your emotions with care. There are all kinds of people in this world. Learn to master your internal feelings so that your external postures do not give you away too easily. “Being an open book” for select few chosen ones.                                                                                                                              Related image
  6. Do not seek to please others but to develop yourself to reach another self set benchmark. It will add the thrill to keep moving forward.                                                                                                                                Image result for develop your talent
  7. Learn from your and others mistakes. Observe people and their behavior.                                                                         Image result for observe
  8. Keep testing your knowledge, experience and develop a learning frame of mind. It helps with building a charismatic personality. You do not have to know about every single topic on this planet. Allow others to contribute towards your learning and let them speak up often.                                              Image result for test yourself
  9. Find a meaning in life. If you really want to prove things, do it for yourself. Forget others. That is not your concern nor anyone’s business.                                                                                                                   Related image
  10. Live the way you want and mind your own business. Do not involve in gossips and negativity. Keep finding things that instill more confidence and positivity in your life.                                                                       Image result for focus on positive proverbs
I have personally and professionally tried all of the above and have led my life my way without harboring regrets. Today, I am really satisfied with my life and look forward to enjoy and get the best out of life. I find this way not only very peaceful but also encouraging. It helps me to keep going forward and discard any regrets.

Afterall, life is very short and there are just so many things to do, learn and explore!

On this note, I humbly invite my readers to contribute your thoughts and beliefs that help trigger you to stay grounded in your personal and professional lives.

- Article has been contributed by our Entrenador Shruti Misra, a Neuro-Leadership & Entrepreneur Coach.  She is also a Mind Coach and international NLP trainer.  
All photo credits, used in this blog go to Google open source images.   


  1. Dear Madam, I am unable to contact you through Quora because my message option is temporiraly blocked. I have sent my works to many magazines. I have got no response so far.

    1. Have you considered creating a collection of those works and self publishing? Another way to help direct people to your work is by creating your own website and getting people to read your works as and when you interact with them or ask them for a review.


Life Lessons through the Kintsugi - A Japanese Art form

Sometime back, on our company's facebook page, I had posted a link about Kintsugi.  I believe a few of you were wondering what that was ...