Thursday 30 November 2017

Understanding the Importance of Non-Verbal Communication

Ever wondered why you loose out on cracking a huge deal at the last minute with a client?  

Ever had an intuition that even though you have been promised a promotion from your boss but never really got it?

How do you deal with a difficult but a very important person?

What is the secret to understanding what is going on in the mind of the person placed right in front of you?

Sammy is a person who had been going through a difficult phase in her professional life.  Reason, initially everybody liked her work, praised her accomplishments, and she was really that employee of the month that everybody just looked up to.  Now, working for more than few years into the Multinational company handling the profile of her dreams, suddenly she finds that people no longer look up to her.  They no longer praise her work.  Nobody encourages her to take up more challenges.  Her workload has increased but Sammy has not been growing.  She has hit a roadblock and a feeling of stagnation has just been beginning to set in.  With promoted twice in the past two years of her employment with this company, Sammy no longer feels any connect with her working environment. 

What has actually gone wrong?

Sammy decided to upgrade her technical knowledge in her field of interest to mitigate this feeling of being isolated from the rest of her colleagues. 

Still, after 8 months of working hard and with extra hours into the office, she still sees no hope to get rid of the sinking feeling that something is still not right.  True, her skills upgrade has set in a new life in her work and people have started showing some positivism around her, but there is still a very small element that is still being overlooked.  However, small this element seems to be, it is something very important that Sammy needs to understand and master it.

What is this element then?

This element is known as non-verbal communication.  Studies from various sources have proven that only 35% of is verbally communicated and the rest of the 65% of the message is transferred through non-verbal communication process. 


To begin with, let us define what is non-verbal component of our speech.  The non-verbal communication comprises of one's overall body language.  This means that messages are conveyed by use of gestures, facial expressions, attitude, para-language and eye contact. 

It would also interest you to know that a sense of dressing, posture and the distance between you and the audience is also a component of non-verbal communication. 

Another important aspect of the communication process is the person's tone and voice pitch. 

Effective communication is important to managers in business organizations as their communication with employees affects how employees perform their duties.

It is very important, if one needs to excel in their professional and personal lives, to master the art of communication (both verbal and non-verbal) in totality.  Having a conscious awareness of your non-verbal communication when you are verbally communicating, allows others to receive a message the way you intend them to deliver it to them.

Many people build positive business relationships by consistently delivering positive non-verbal communication to others.

If you want to learn how to master the art of communication, do get in touch with us on  Our trainers and language coaches are Master Practitioners of Neuro-linguistic Programming.  They also are specialized in decoding the non-verbal aspects of communication field.

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